Update And Delete In Datagridview
I'm assuming that you are using Esri objects to connect to PostgreSQL. Each row needs to be updated one row/feature at a time. A row and a feature are identical to a database in that a feature is a row with a geometry registered with the database. In the same way a FeatureClass is a table with a geometry column. At some stage you have a featureclass, that is an, from that you can create a that which will allow the rows to be updated one at a time: // assume pFeatClass is an IFeatureClass object // and pQF is a queryfilter that allows to select the features in question. IFeatureCursor pCur = pFeatClass.update(pQF,true); // true is faster, so long as you don't want to go back IFeature pFt = pCur.NextFeature(); pFt.set_Value(indx,pValue); // index is the field number, pValue is the value // now, put it back pCur.UpdateFeature(pFt); Call pCur.flush() when finished with the features to ensure they make it back to the database and occasionally when doing many features (more than 1k) to reduce resources. To delete features there is IFeaure.delete(); for a single feature but ensure that the feature is returned by a non-recycling cursor or the program will crash i.e.

In this Article I will explain How to insert, update, edit, delete, clear using datagridview in C# from one Form to another Form. 25 Secrets To Wealth Creation Pdf here.
PFeatClass.update(pQF,false); but the most efficient way to delete lots of them is using, remembering that a featureclass is a special table. ITable pTab = (ITable) pFeatClass; pTab.DeleteSearchedRows(pQF); When you are finished with your cursors and features destroy the reference using to clear buffers and release database locks. As for your data grid view I say to and rebuild it based on the updated features just to be safe. Set_value is used to set the values on the feature, the indx is the index of the field - you can get this by IFeature.Fields.FindField(Name) which will give the index of the field for a name.
It sounds like you want to do the update on validate and then call updateform.close() or better yet call it as a dialog, return 1 if the value validates then update the field when the dialog returns 1 and not update for any other value (cancel button). Be aware that the form still exists in memory after it is closed so public variable can still be accessed. – Jun 29 '14 at 21:36.
Hi Ross, I write a demo to you. I'm good at c# and not familiar vb.net, but I convert code to vb.net. Hope this can help you.
Public Function GetConnection() As SqlConnection 2. Sqlstr = 'Data Source=(local);Database=DemoData;User Id=sa;PWD=' 3. Dim sqlcon As New SqlConnection(sqlstr) 4. Return sqlcon 5.
End Function 1. Public Sub GetCommand(ByVal sqlstr As String) 2. Dim sqlcon As SqlConnection = Me.GetConnection() 3. Sqlcon.Open() 4. Dim sqlcom As New SqlCommand(sqlstr, sqlcon) 5.
Sqlcom. Ar Rahman Muslim Devotional Songs. ExecuteNonQuery() 6. Sqlcom.Dispose() 7. Sqlcon.Close() 8. Sqlcon.Dispose() 9. End Sub //Modify 1. Epson 4000 Adjustment Wizard Programming.