Altium Script Examples
Scripts can be written to automate repetitive tasks or enhance a feature in Altium Designer. The scripting system is composed of two main parts; the Editor and the Debugger. Scripts can be saved in a script project or in a design project. There are several script languages available to write scripts in Altium Designer. 1.1 Introduction to Altium Designer Underlying the Altium Designer environment is a software integration platform that brings together all the tools necessary to. Altium TechDocs are online documentation for Altium products, providing the basic information you need to get the most out of our tools. Discover features you didn't.
Annavaram Songs South Mp3 there. Script Filename Description IniFileEg This script demonstrates the use of TIniFile object and the Read/Write methods. Mandelbrot This script demonstrates the use of graphics to build a Mandelbrot set on a script form. MM This script demonstrates the use of TMediaPlayer component.
Altium Designer contains a powerful scripting system which offers access to system components, user interface, Schematic and PCB objects and more, to allow users to. Jquery Plugin For Eclipse on this page.
The Protel.avi file is needed for this MM script. ShowModalEg This script demonstrates the use of ShowModal property for the script form. SineWave This script demonstrates how to generate and plot a sine wave on a script form. TextFileConvert The input.txt file is provided for demo purposes. TicTac A Tic Tac Toe game! UpdateTime This script demonstrates the use of TTimer component and the Time function.
DelphiScript Scripts General HelloWorld.PRJSCR. Script Filename Description ClientServerInterfacesReport This script demonstrates how to use Client interfaces and retrieves information on server installation files, window kinds, commands and panels. ExtractFilesFromIntLibs This script demonstrates how to extract source library files from integrated library files with an INTLIB extension. IntLibSearchDemo This script demonstrates how to find footprints and 3d models in integrated library files and in PCBLIB files. OpenADoc This script demonstrates how to open a text document using Client's OpenDocument method. ReportIntLibData This script demonstrates use of Integrated Library Manager and Model Type Manager interfaces to extract data associated with each interface. ReportPCBViews This script reports all opened PCB documents and its views in DXP.