Batch Read Line From File Into Variable

Python Read Line From FileBatch Read Line From File Into Variable

Your best and easiest route is indeed with a small FOR /F loop, but they really aren't bad once you try them. Urdu 321 Toolbar. Here is a small example of how I might approach this. Notice the file I created called CONTROL.TXT which uses a straight forward format of variable-name=value. Fukuyama Fire A Tribute To Nekki Basara.

Once you have that created, try this small example BAT script to see how you can then read those values in and assign them to the named variables in a single FOR /F statement, and then use them in your script after that as needed. Questions welcome. ***** SCRIPT.BAT ***** @echo off setlocal rem Define location of control file set 'ControlFile=control. Cycling Manager 4 Demo. txt' rem Load control file values into variables for /f 'usebackq tokens=1* delims=='%%A in ('%ControlFile%') do set%%A=%%B rem Display variable values loaded from control file echo Values read were: echo VARIABLE1 =%VARIABLE1% echo VARIABLE2 =%VARIABLE2% echo VARIABLE3 =%VARIABLE3% Select all ***** CONTROL.TXT ***** Variable1=UPDATE Variable2=100 Variable3=Hello world. Select all » bp.

Im trying to see if its possible to read lines from a file into. File into command window and expand variables. Batch file where I set the variables. Read a file line by line and save it in variable batch file. Ask Question. Up vote 0 down vote favorite. How to read file contents into a variable in a batch. How to read file contents into a variable in a batch. Of the version.txt file into a variable in the batch. With only a single line in the file.