Belkin Bluetooth Driver Vista
The new drivers are not signed and have never been or probably never will be signed by Broadcom -- that is another very long story --- however the drivers work fine -- with the 20 unsigned driver prompts you need to go through and voila! Your device is ready to use! -- I have paired with several phones and performed file transfers - I have used my b/tooth headset as a gateway on skype -- so with patience they do work.
My configuration: vista/business 3.2 ghz P-4 on MSI m/board with SATA-2 drives. A friend of mine showed me this link when I complained of not being able to use my BT USB adapter with Vista. I've been trying all day to install it. I'm getting a weird error where Vista says my. 'Bluetooth device security canot be verified. Please make surethat your device is ot tampered with and try to upgrade again. If you feel this is a legal device then please contact support.'
I bought this new from an electronics retailer. The package had not been opened, and IIRC this same error happened when I used the CD that came with the dongle. Is anyone else getting this error? I'd take it back and exchange it if I thought it would make a difference, but I think it is some kind of error. BTW, I called Kensington tech support, and the person there said the Vista driver would be coming out mid-May. This was a few days ago. I am not a techie at all but thought I would share with you a solution many are using to get their MP3 players (et al) working with vista.
Download the latest Windows drivers for BELKIN BLUETOOTH USB ADAPTER CL. Drivers Update tool checks your computer for old drivers and update it. Official help and support website for Belkin products. Links to Belkin customer support and technical solutions, set-up, help, and answers to top issues. Jul 12, 2008 Hi, I have a belkin wireless bluetooth dongle, model number F8T003 ver. How To Install Skyrim Pc Mods On Ps3. 2 but apparently it does not work with Vista. I am baffled as to why it would. Download the latest drivers for your Belkin Bluetooth Adapter to keep your Computer up-to-date.
I was having a heck of a time until i followed this procedure and removed the INFCACHE.1. I was hoping this would do the trick for my Kensington Bluetooth adaptor (which causes everything to freeze when inserted); but it was not the solution. Nevertheless, when the driver is available; i wonder if what is described below will continue to be a problem: (From When trying to install a new device (like a USB mouse, printer, video card, etc.), Windows Vista might report that there is “no driver found for you device [ sic]” and/or will not display the pre-installed Vista OEM drivers. Even by manually selecting the driver, you will still get the “no driver found” error. This also tends to happen with HP printers (as we know their drivers are bulky and complex). You will get a red X at the end or it won’t find the drivers - again.
This is caused by a corrupted INFCACHE.1 file. This file is hidden, has restricted access, and can be found in “c: windows inf”.
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 V (2010) Pc. This file stores the location of drivers and their INF files. Delete this file and it will force Windows to rebuild the INFCACHE.1 file the next time Windows searches for drivers.
To delete this file, you have to set the security permissions of it to allow Full Control for the User Group Administrators or full control for your account. Here’s the complete how-to: 1. Open a Windows Explorer window (right click Start>Explore) 2. In the address bar, type c: windows inf and press Enter 3. Right click on the file INFCACHE.1 4. Select Properties 5. Click on the “Security” tab 6.
Click “Edit” to edit permissions 7. Click “Add” to add User Groups 8. Type “Administrators” in the User Groups field and click ok 9. Set Administrators to “Full Control” and click ok 10.
Move or delete the file “INFCACHE.1″ 11. Reinstall a device to force Windows to rebuild the “INFCACHE.1″ file (not the one you were having problems with).
Thanks a lot Celine, I'm no computer freek as well, got my vista yesterday and just wanted to download my photos from the phone. Tryed downloading all sorts of stuff but nothing helped, and i was afraid i would mess something up and download some ***. I actually downloaded bluesoleil, but device didnt work cause it would recognise it. When i deleted the Cache file like you said, i pluged the bluetootth out and putting it back in blusoleil picked it up immediately.yupi! Thanks again. I reccommend!