Golden Ratio Face Calculator Software
Beauty can be expressed in any number of words, but it may very well be represented by a number: 1. Font Thai Ps Vita. 618. Identified by ancient Greeks and represented by the Greek letter phi, the 'golden ratio' expresses an ideal proportion of two aspects of an object, with one aspect roughly 1 ½ times longer than the other, a ratio of about 1.618. Widely found in nature from everything to conical seashells, hurricanes and flower petals, human faces that follow this mystical ratio are often considered more attractive. All that you need to determine the ratio are some measurements and a few simple calculations.
Am I pretty or ugly? Find out how beautiful your face is. Free face beauty analysis test! How to Calculate the Golden Ratio Face. How to Calculate the Golden Ratio Face By Hilary White Beauty can be expressed in any number of words, but it may very.