Jdiskreport Portable


JDiskReport is an excellent free Java tool which will scan your hard drive and provide a host of useful information about how its space is being used. This all starts by pointing the program at the folder tree you'd like it to examine, and it then spends a moment analysing your files (and only a moment, really - it's quite speedy, considering what the program has to do). Then you see the basic report, which shows you an Explorer-type view of your folders on the left, and a pie chart on the right revealing how much each one is taking up. So immediately we could see that, for instance, the Users folder was gobbling up the most hard drive space on our test system, at 69.1GB. Clicking any folder on the pie chart allows you to drill down, and in a click or two we found that the main culprit was a VirtualBox virtual machine setup, which required 30.1GB all on its own. Ufo Enemy Unknown Game Manual Codedownload Free Software Programs Online more. You'll have your own space hogs, of course, but JDiskReport should still expose them in just a few seconds.

The program does offer alternative views on your files, though. Clicking 'Top 50' reveals the 50 largest files in the tree you're examining, for instance. While selecting 'Types' shows you which file types are consuming the most space. And a range of useful configuration options allow you to do everything from excluding particular folders from the report, to defining precisely how you'd like the charts to look.

Please note, JDiskReport is a Java-based tool, so you'll need Java installed before it will work. WhatsApp Messenger is the world's most popular instant messaging app for smartphones. You can use it to send and receive text and voice messages, photos, videos, even call your friends in other countries, and because it uses your phone's internet connection it might not cost you anything at all (depending on whether you'll pay data charges). It's easy to set up and use. There's no need to create and remember new account names or pins because it works with your phone number, and uses your regular address book to find and connect you with friends who use WhatsApp already. You can talk one-to-one or in group chats, and because you're always logged in there's no way to miss messages. Even if your phone is turned off, WhatsApp will save your messages and display them as soon as you're back online.

There's plenty more (location sharing, contact exchange, message broadcasting) and the app is free for a year, currently $0.99/ year afterwards. What's New in Version 2.18.21 - Bug fixes.

JDiskReport enables you to understand how much space the files and directories consume on your disk drives, and it helps you find obsolete files and folders. The tool analyses your disk drives and collects several statistics which you can view as overview charts and details tables. Written in Java, therefore no exe to install. Not sure about registy mods made, but I'm sure someone can find out. From the help file: Requirements Java 1.4 or later is required, Java 1.5 is recommended.

Portable App for Disk Usage. A portable app that will allow me to track down high disk usage. Sixpackshortcuts Workout Pdf more. Esssentially what I'm looking for is an alternative to JDiskReport.

At least 64 megabytes of physical RAM is recommended to run JDiskReport. Running with less memory may cause disk swapping which has a severe effect on performance. The tool has been tested on the following platforms: Windows 2000/XP/Vista Solaris Linux Mac OS X Although untested, it should work well on Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows Server 2003, and on other platforms supported by Java. Website: Screenshots.