Serial Port Datareceived
Before planning this article I have gone through related articles. It surprised me to know that developers are facing lot of issues with the SerialPort DataReceived event. Because this event is raised on the top of operating system event, that’s why. Hence there will naturally be a delay between your expected and actual event. So, there are issues.
I have a Visual Studio 2008 C#. Demolition Derby Game Pc. net 2.0 CF application that reads from a serial port using the System.IO.Ports.SerialPort class. Unfortunately, the. Hello, I am trying to get a fairly simple Serial Port program working. So simple in fact I have been bashing my head over it for quite a while.
You know what, whenever you do device communication, you need to understand that side device in a more sophisticated approach. And now, how to do that? That is, to accept the fact that you don’t have any control over it.
Let us see, what is the better way to ensure smooth execution of the code. Add a form to your project. Place a SerialPort control to this form. And rename this control from SerialPort1 to spObj. Now copy the following code. Ms Dos 6.22 Iso Download. Dim spDrLine As String = ' Dim spBuffer As String = '.
I think your issue is the line:** sp.DataReceived += port_OnReceiveDatazz; Shouldn't it be: sp.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (port_OnReceiveDatazz); **Nevermind, the syntax is fine (didn't realize the shortcut at the time I originally answered this question). I've also seen suggestions that you should turn the following options on for your serial port: sp.DtrEnable = true; // Data-terminal-ready sp.RtsEnable = true; // Request-to-send You may also have to set the handshake to RequestToSend (via the handshake enumeration). UPDATE: Found a suggestion that says you should open your port first, then assign the event handler. Maybe it's a bug? So instead of this: sp.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (port_OnReceiveDatazz); sp.Open(); Do this: sp.Open(); sp.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler (port_OnReceiveDatazz); Let me know how that goes.