Serial Port Mscomm
I have just started to investigate the replacement of some seriously old kit with a Windows XP version. I need to read and write data between either a usb/serial port on a new Windows XP machine and connect it to an old controller via an rs-232 cable. Data is passed between the two in Ascii format and can be as little as one character at a time or up to several hundred characters at a time. I will need to be able to interpret some of the data down to the bit level on receipt.
Mar 19, 2009 Hi, i am converting my application from visual basic 6 to visual, but i have a problem with serial port, in vb6 i used MSCOMM, now in Jun 20, 2008 The most frequently used properties to send data to the serial port using the mscomm control are as follows: CommPort The CommPort property specifies the. Aug 13, 2008 Serial communication with MSComm. The serial port) could reset (=logical 0) the DTR/RTS bits in order to stop communication. Jan 05, 2014 Hi, I upgraded my VB6 code to VB. Insomniac Doze there. NET 2008, then 2010, but I have a hard time converting MSComm to SerialPort. Here is my code: Public Class frmScan Dim.
Having read some of the threads here, it would appear the use of MSCOMM is a viable solution for the serial port communication as the transmissions are in a set send and receive pattern so I wouldn't need to poll the port for data, just wait for the receipt, accept it, process it and send an appropriate reply. On receipt of any data, it would need to be broken down (some data is held at the bit level within the 1st few bytes of data) and stored somewhere for later retrieval and also displayed to any interested user in a nice windows display format. Conversely I need to assemble stored data ready to transmit back to the controller, some of which will need bit level manipulation into characters. Can I achieve all the above just using VB express or do I need an amalgam of products? Please excuse my lack of knowledge this is all very new to me even though I have an IT background. I'm actually pretty glad the serial communication is alive and well in VB2005! It's still used quite extensively in industry.