Sony Nv-u92t Software

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Find great deals on eBay for sony nav-u map update. Sony nav-u Application Software ver 1.1 for NV-U83 / NV. Sony NV-U73T Automotive Mountable GPS Receiver NAV. Jun 08, 2009 Need to update nav-u NV-U92T Hi I have the above gps, but I also have a macbook and can not find the appropriate - Sony nav-u NV-U70 GPS Receiver question.

Sony Creative Software Support

Good evening, I did something really stupid and need your help now. Normas Iso 9000 Iso Iec 9126 more. I got NV-U82 and wanted to update it (both the application itself and maps). With a bit of googling I've found this link: Somehow I went blind and failed to notice that my model wasn't present on the list. I proceeded with the update.

Now the device fails to boot up, giving errors that it's unable to load Mounted Volume Sony nav-u MNSplash.bmp and Mounted Volume Sony nav-u langGER.dll. As far as I know, NV-U92 is mostly the same model, it just has bigger memory. I kindly ask Berisford and/or crashzero for the content of nav-u folder to give it a try. That is, unless you have better ideas like 'stop messing with it more, take it back to shop'. Many thanks for the feedback. Good evening, I did something really stupid and need your help now.

I got NV-U82 and wanted to update it (both the application itself and maps). With a bit of googling I've found this link: Somehow I went blind and failed to notice that my model wasn't present on the list. I proceeded with the update. Now the device fails to boot up, giving errors that it's unable to load Mounted Volume Sony nav-u MNSplash.bmp and Mounted Volume Sony nav-u langGER.dll. As far as I know, NV-U92 is mostly the same model, it just has bigger memory. I kindly ask Berisford and/or crashzero for the content of nav-u folder to give it a try.

That is, unless you have better ideas like 'stop messing with it more, take it back to shop'. Many thanks for the feedback.

@ bren.wright No, I definitely won't buy it. As a matter of fact, I'm happy owner of TomTom GO 720 and this device was bought by my father. Even spoiled by TomTom's updates etc., and that is why I acted so stupidly with Sony. @ sdt105 - I've sent you a private message. The status for now is that crashzero got some working files from Berisford.

It was the content of nav-u dir, without subdirs. I had messed up files in nav-u, but I don't think the 'update' affected subdirs. So we exchanged our files.

So far it looks like all works for me after replacing the nav-u.exe. Device boots, picks up GPS, menus are accessible etc. I think I'll take it today for a ride. I don't know how it went with crashzero's. Anyway we both have 'pure' nav-u (zip is around 4 MB) and 'mine', with most probably messed up content of top 'nav-u' but working files in subdirectories.

It's around 50 MB. I'll let you know how it went after a ride. I did it on skype, but once again Many, really many thanks to crashzero for quick and accurate response! Edit: how the hell can I download new maps? The support on says everything except how to initialize it:/. Thanks for that again I have managed to do it and the software has updated.

But now I have a problem with the speed cams. They have gone from my files and the sony site says they are already active in my device. And wont let me download them again. I put in the actvation codes yesterday when I got the unit and as I said I thought they had transfered to the unit by just connecting it to the pc. But I never ran them.

It seems strange that when I click on files in active sync only the software update file shows. The 2 speed cam files I downloaded yesterday have just dissapeared.