The Leadership Of Muhammad Pdf Creator
The Leadership of Muhammad is a new book by British management scholar John Adair that mines the life of the Prophet Muhammad to highlight his extraordinary qualities. Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc. Leadership challenge both to one’s creator as well as. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Leadership is a great.
The Leadership of Muhammad is a new book by British management scholar John Adair that mines the life of the Prophet Muhammad to highlight his extraordinary qualities as a leader. Gm Helper 2.4 3. According to Adair, success is a function of leadership, and his short work provides anyone interested in learning how to lead and motivate with a wealth of insight, according to this review by Muqtedar Khan, an associate professor of political science and international relations at the University of Delaware.
Over the years, Muslim and non-Muslim historians have written many books about Prophet Muham mad as a leader, highlighting the divinely guided qualities of his personality as the final messenger of God, according to Islamic beliefs. Trainer Nfs Most Wanted 1.2 Money And Bounty Hack. But in the past century or so, a modernist, rationalist school of Islamic thought has emerged, which focuses on examining Prophet Muhammad as a charismatic leader as well as being the messenger of God.
Developed by thinkers like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Shibli Nomani in India and Sheikh Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida in the Arab world, this school seeks to minimize the miraculous nature of the Prophet’s biography to explore the rationalist and humanist dimensions of his personality. Their interpretations are formed by many categories that guides modern thinking — the Prophet Muhammad as statesman, as a businessman, as a political leader and a spiritual guide.
British management scholar John Adair’s new book, The Leadership of Muhammad, joins this body of work, even though he is not a modernist Muslim. But Adair’s interpretation is different from most Muslim biographers of Prophet Muhammad in several key ways. First, Adair, who served with a Bedouin regiment in the Arab Legion, emphasizes the context in which he lived over abstract moral principle. His narrative is rich with discussions of tribal practices and the day-to-day habits and traditions that had an influence on Prophet Muhammad. If Adair’s goal is to argue that leadership styles must conform to the cultural context in which they find themselves, he succeeds.
In episode after episode, he shows how Prophet Muhammad’s understanding of the tribal norms of Arabia helped him become an inspirational leader as well as an effective manager. Leading from the Front Adair is singular in his focus on Prophet Muhammad as a leader. Unlike other commentators, he does not aim to explain or glorify Islam and Islamic teachings, and this allows him to home in on the aspects of Prophet Muhammad’s personality and cultural context to illuminate his leadership qualities. Metaphors, such as comparing leaders to shepherds, and adjectives like humble and courageous appear frequently throughout the book. A good shepherd guides his sheep, unites them, works for their welfare without taking advantage of them and cares for each individual. Adair sees those characteristics in the Prophet Muhammad.
Not only did he care for the well-being of each and every member of his flock, he was uncompromising in his determination to protect the integrity of his mission. Adair conveys many nuggets of wisdom about what constitutes leadership, how it can be developed and understood, using a simple narrative style to tell the story of a very special man, one who was at once a business leader, a political authority, a community activist, a social entrepreneur, a divine source and a humane role model. Adair has strong views about what makes great leaders stand out. They lead from the front and lead by example. They must eschew arrogance, exude humility, be truthful, be prepared to share any hardship with followers, and provide both vision and dedication to achieving a task at hand. Missing Index In Windows Help And Support File. Success to Adair is a function of leadership, and Muhammad — as a prophet who transformed Arabia and much of the world with his teachings — could not have achieved success without being a good leader.