Capital Fm Brain Game Question

Brain Produces Dino and Pete's Breakfast show. Find out more about him here. Brainz Where are you from? Gloucestershire Originally now live in Nottingham What do you love about living in the East Midlands? Its got to be the people, the friendliest people of anywhere I have lived.

Capital Fm Brain Game Question

Also I met my wife here, what more can I say! What's your favourite pub in The East Mids? The Griffins Head in Papplewick, Nicky and Baz the owners do amazing Yorkshire Puds! Best thing to do at the weekend?

What's the most embarrassing thing you've done on air? There is still time.

Capital FM Uganda Verified account. Not on Twitter? Sign up, tune into the things you care about, and get updates as they happen. Have an account? Capital FM (sometimes called. The brain game 'The brain game' is a program run by Capital Radio. Each hour, during the day, the same question is asked.

Where would you most like to go on holiday? Hawaii The reason you come to work in a morning? I just love it, I don't think of this as a job. I'm just hanging out with my mates Who would your ideal guest be? (Can be living or dead): Sean Connery Which celebrity do you reckon you look or act like? Frank Lampard –looks, Act Like - a four year old.

What rules do you live your life? Live for today, have a curry later If you died and came back as an animal what would it be? Seriously, who wrote these questions? I would say a cat, they seem to have a pretty good life! What's been your biggest mistake?

Not eating Curry from an earlier age, I only started eating it at 21!!!! Your opinions on your colleagues? Intraday Trading Ebooks. Love em, been mates with Dino and Pete for years, now were working together, What’s your guilty pleasure? The Cold Light Of Day 1996.

Curry Most embarrassing track on my iPod? What song lyric best describes you? Oooo oooo oooo ooooo, international love! Favourite gig you’ve ever been to?

Oasis at the Capital FM Arena. What’s the best thing about having your own show on Capital? Opening a Microphone and knowing there are thousands of people listening to you is a feeling you cannot beat! What’s your favourite place in the East Midlands? My Garden, I love it. From my wardrobe you can have My Green Floral Shirt Why didn’t you ask me about Curry! I love it if you hand;t guessed!