Convert Pdf To Word Doc Acrobat Pro
Start your free trial to easily convert your PDF files to editable Word documents with. And paste select parts of a PDF right into a Word doc. Acrobat Pro DC. Exporting PDF to Word with acrobat pro 9. Mbr Regenerator V4.2 here. How do i convert pdf's to word with acrobat pro 9. Can be used to process out many PDFs to Word DOC.
Do the OCR of PDFs that need it first. If the image is of just textual content the OCR output will capture it with reasonable accuracy. If the image is of text and 'other' stuff (plots, graphs, drawings) the OCR output can get messy. OCR (Searchable Image / Searchable Image (Exact) has no 'awareness' of format/layout.
You can export this OCR output to an RTF or text file. Use Word to address format and layout cleanup. Some of the PDFs needing OCR might fair better if you use ClearScan and export that output to RTF or DOC. As discussed in the ISO Standard for PDF (ISO 32000-1) one of the reasons for have 'Tagged' PDF is to support export of content.
When the PDF is not 'tagged' Acrobat makes an on the fly best guess. Acrobat X does this better than Acrobat 9. However, for content that is complex, large, or the content for export is OCR output the 'best guess' is not robust. I suspect you'll not want to manually tag your PDFs. So, you'll be having to take what is provided by the export to Word and do cleanup with Word. Even for a small number of PDFs this is rather labor intensive. With a large population of PDFs it will take quite a while to do cleanup such that you have useful content.
An Acrobat 9 Pro Batch Sequence can be used to process out many PDFs to Word DOC, RTF, or text files. Create a new sequence. In the dialog for 'selecting' a sequence just click on the Output options button. Tick 'Export File(s) to Alternate Format'. Micro Xp Pro 0.90 New Edition.
Use the 'Export to' drop-down menu to select the desired format. Keep in mind that this will put a load on the local machine's resources.
Don't expect to use other applications. Limit the number of PDFs being processed. Do some trials - start with a small number of PDFs - work up. During the course of runs it'd be a good idea to reboot periodically (gives a resource refresh if you will).
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