Jinstall 8.5 R1 14 Domestic Signed

Jinstall 8.5 R1 14 Domestic SignedJinstall 8.5 R1 14 Domestic Signed

From Syracuse NY (with a ton of snow btw ) 35/35 Verizon FIOS Connection, xfers from download.juniper.net ~150-200 KB/Sec this morning, but I never really ever see it go faster. Hi, junos-srxsme-10.2R3.10-domestic.tgz, ~50 minutes from Frankfurt, Germany. We may be doing some sort of rate-limiting on the outbound interfaces.

Jinstall 8.5 R1 14 Domestic. Seasons contested by AFC Ajax in both domestic and international competitions. To untar the signed jinstall file. Creating an Olive with JunOS 12.1 on VirtualBox First, download jinstall-12.1R1.9-domestic-signed.tgz from the Juniper website. Arjan Hofman March 14. Network Security Memo: February 2. This is lab part 3 to verify three different ipsec vpn authentication methods: Pre- share key, RSA key and CA.

However I just ran another test (recall I got 10.4 SRX in 46 seconds from the internal network - now from outside network, via comcast I am getting ~1MB/sec - ~ 8Mbps - so that should be the baseline. Tracing route to download.juniper.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 4 ms 5 ms 3 ms 2 42 ms 40 ms 29 ms c-24-130-208-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net [ ] 3 23 ms 18 ms 21 ms te-4-3-ur03.santaclara.ca.sfba.comcast.net [68.8 5.191.17] 4 18 ms 16 ms 18 ms te-0-9-0-3-ar01.sfsutro.ca.sfba.comcast.net [68. 85.155.66] 5 21 ms 16 ms 18 ms pos-1-8-0-0-cr01.sanjose.ca.ibone.comcast.net [6] 6 43 ms 53 ms 39 ms te3-8.mpd01.sjc04.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.11. 105] 7 65 ms 48 ms 53 ms te0-0-0-6.mpd22.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com [] 8 54 ms 65 ms 55 ms te4-1.ccr01.oak01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.24. 114] 9 54 ms 40 ms 37 ms te4-1.ccr01.smf01.atlas.cogentco.com [154.54.26. 229] 10 32 ms 19 ms 23 ms vl3505.na01.b015947-1.smf01.atlas.cogentco.com [] 11 20 ms 18 ms 19 ms 12 28 ms 25 ms 25 ms sac-nat-66-129-228-6.juniper.net [] 13 55 ms 42 ms 34 ms download.juniper.net [] However, I am also seeing very erratic results - with unexplained delays/slowdowns.

We'll continue our tests, but we certainly have all the evidence we need to justify edge-cacheing servers. KB_Fan wrote: junos-srxsme-10.3R2.11-domestic.tgz 1:26:30 Melbourne AUS Really?

From my office link in Melbourne: *[BGP/170] 3d 18:19:23, MED 0, localpref 180 AS path: 38809 703 701 14203 I >to 121. Burnout 3 Takedown Ps2 Save Files. 200.226.72 via ge-0/0/1.0 [BGP/170] 6d 19:05:42, localpref 180 AS path: 2764 4648 3356 701 14203 I >to via ge-0/0/2.0 A few weeks back I was trying to complete my collection of JunOS images for all the platforms I care about, and was getting 200-300kB/sec fairly reliably for a few days. Sure at line rate I should have been getting 3-12MB/sec (depending on which transit traffic comes back via), but latency to the US does limit here. There was one notable exception, but that was only for an hour or two.

Yes GeoIP based mirrors would be nice (I'm sure there's more then a few Juniper-using AU based carriers that would love to offer mirror space) but in general it's OK. People should just download their images *before* they start a change. Update - • We just doubled the number of servers in the download cluster. • We found a product interaction related to signature update downloads that was causing erratic peak load effects. These should help, but we believe there is another issue (beyond simple latency issues, and hinted at in a couple of prior posts) somewhere in the path that we continue investigating. Longer term (later this year) we're also planning for better geographic distribution of the servers.