Moanabreeze Erika Japan
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Photos courtesy of our customer Erika from Japan. I live on the Northeast coast of Japan very close to the district of the Fukushima nuclear plants disaster. We have always had very beautiful beaches in this part of Japan and after the tsunami tragedy many of us did not go to the beach. Now, this year, the beaches have started to look better but the summer has been a little cold and rainy. Finally in August, we have had sunshine and clear days and I have been able to wear my new exciting SkinBikinis. All my friends know that I have a love affair with the beach and the sea and it thrills me to wear tiny bikinis to show off at the beach.
Drivers Enltv-fm Windows 7. Some people know me in Japan for my several photo albums of beach wear on DVD. When I am not wearing something tiny at the beach, I am perhaps wearing nothing! I have a blog in Japanese where I show my favorite bikinis and talk about the sea and the coast which are things close to my heart. My blog is: Photos courtesy of our Customer Erika from Japan Erika is wearing in Black Support Skin Bikini's contributor site, to buy these lovely monokinis.
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