Sap Logon 640 Manual
Seriously, check to see if you have MSN Messenger 7.0 or 7.5 installed. Missing Index In Windows Help And Support File. The reason for this Logon balancing error 88 is, that the datatype of the registry value HKLM System CurrentControlSet Services TCPIP Parameters DatabasePath is changed from REG_EXPAND_SZ to REG_SZ. I resolved mine Friday by doing the following: Start the registry editor and rename the registry value HKLM System CurrentControlSet Services TCPIP Parameters DatabasePath (change it to DatabasePath1 or something similar so you don't lose it) Create an EXPANDABLE-String Value (REG_EXPAND_SZ) with the same name and value. (should be -%SystemRoot% system32 drivers etc) That worked for my situation. Hope it helps yours.
Hi All, We are planning to upgrade the SAP GUI in the user desktops from 620 to 640.While we are trying to install Patch. (Logon or Logon Pad). SAP Logon 640 SESSION MANAGER magsrv INS. SAP Logon 640 Create RFQ: Initial Scr. Magsrv INS - Microsoft Word. Edit Header Item Environment SMstern Help.
Give points if so please. Pst Split Rapidshare.