Tripler Army Medical Center Program Residency Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine • • • • • Welcome to SAUSHEC Internal Medicine Residency Program! SAUSHEC Internal Medicine is an ACGME accredited training program and the largest residency in the Department of Defense with 96 approved positions.
The residency is an integrated Army and Air Force training platform with educational experiences at San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC), Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center (WHASC), and the University of Texas Health Sciences Center San Antonio (UTHSCSA). SAMMC is the primary training location with 445 inpatient medical and surgical beds and 115 critical care beds. SAMMC is a world class health facility and the largest military treatment facility in the DoD. San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC) is also home to both Army and Air Force fellowship training programs and a core training site for USUHS and UTHSCSA medical students. SAUSHEC Internal Medicine is a 36 month categorical training program with limited PGY-1 only internal medicine positions. Residency training positions are open to active duty military physicians, HPSP medical students, USUHS medical students, or civilian medical students willing to join the military. We invite you to further explore our residency program website in its entirety and wish you success as you prepare to enter your career in internal medicine.
PGY1 Medicine spot at Tripler Army Medical Center. Program Director Internal Medicine Residency. On the quality of the IM residency program at Tripler. • Tripler Army medical Center. Army grADuATe meDICAl eDuCATIon. All Army residency and fellowship programs are. Tripler Army Medical Center's (TAMC) Internal Medicine Patient Centered Medical Homes (INT-PCMH) earns recognition as an Pacific Regional Medical Command (PRMC) Best.
If you have any additional questions about our training program, please feel free to contact us. Points of Contact Program Director Phone: (210) 916-3856/8176 Fax: (210) 916-4721 Chief Resident Phone: (210) 916-4119 Program Administrator Phone: (210) 916-3856/8176 Fax: (210) 916-4721 Mailing Address San Antonio Military Medical Center Department of Medicine ATTN: SAUSHEC Internal Medicine Residency Program (MCHE-MDX) 3551 Roger Brooke Dr. JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX. You are about to leave the Brooke Army Medical Center Web Site. The Sims 3 Full Game Mobile more. This hyperlink does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Uiuc British Exchange Program. Army, or Brooke Army Medical Center of this Web site or the information, products or services contained therein.
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